Can an old woman dream a dream?
My research project has become my baby. I am not sure that the baby has been delivered or if it is in the need of a skilled obstetrician with forceps. Nevertheless, it is my baby. As a mother, I know that your baby is your baby from the moment it is conceived. It is yours – you love it, you dream and hope for it… It’s that way with my research project. I have agonized over this project. Like Sarah in Genesis, I have watched surrogates get their degrees and launch. I have waited - barren. When my Abraham produced his research project, it was I who for countless days sat at a kitchen table pregnant, entertaining other children, cooking, cleaning, laundry – typing on an IBMSelectric typewriter – delivering page after page of charts and data. It was I who labored over that research project as if it was my own. And it has… it was the surrogate that produced jobs, income, and success for our family. It has borne mu...