Love Your Enemies
People say we travel a lot. I guess that's true. Today I am in Fairfax Virginia. On Wednesday I'll be in Connecticut. Thursday I'll be in New Jersey. Back home in Tennessee on Sunday. This fall I've been to both coasts seeing the Empire state and the Golden Gate bridge in the span of one week. I've been to Florida and Atlanta twice. Are you tired? I'm not. I love it. I think it is the Viking in me. I love to meet people. I got to know the wife of one of my husband's colleagues. We talked and shopped til we dropped in San Francisco. It was a wonderful day. I hope I see her again. I think we'd be good friends. Last night, as we exhaustedly checked into our hotel, I met someone new. I guess a five minute conversation doesn't really qualify as meeting someone but he will stay in my thoughts for a long time. No I haven't become star struck rather the mother instinct took hold. Tall, thin, blonde,with an infectious smile, dressed in