Here I Am, Lord
I am continuing to learn what it means to be a Methodist. I have become at home with the Methodist. It is the group that I have chosen to fellowship in community with – it is where my spiritual journey has taken me. Last night, I went to my first “Charge Conference.” For those of you, like me, who have no idea what that is, it is sort of like their “annual business meeting.” I’ve been to a whole lot of business meetings. I’ve served as a trustee. I’ve served in some unofficial capacity of reminding the pastor to get ready for the annual business meeting. I’ve typed the reports and compiled them. I’ve taken minutes and participated in more business meetings than I care to remember. I’ve seen a lot of dispute at business meetings in church basements. Questions, concerns, legitimate or not… on and on they went for hours. Pontificating members with grandiose ideas in conflict with pompous members who had better ideas marred the meetings....