A New Home

I officially became a member of a local church this morning. It was a decision a long time in coming. Perhaps all my life has prepared me for this - it wasn't that big of a deal ... really... and yet for me it seems significant. It seems like one of those moments that I'll look back on and say - hmmm, that was milestone event. I remember the first time I became a member of a local church. I was 13. I was actually too young by many standards. That church had strict rules about everything. They were Norwegian - Norwegian and rules and order often go hand in hand. I had spent my 13th birthday in the hospital. I knew I had committed my life to following Christ. I had been filled with the Spirit. I made my petition to the church elders to let me be baptized. I wasn't interested so much in becoming a member of the church but once they baptized you, you were a member. The question for them was not so much about whether ...